Legato provides different methods to easily validate data coming into your application.

Use case (Create User)

Lets consider a simple example, we shall attempt to create a new User, the first thing we need to do define the necessary routes

Define Routes


use Legato\Framework\Routing\Route;

 * show the form to create a user

Route::get('/user/create', 'App\Controllers\UserController@showForm', 'create_user_form');

 * handle the create user request, this is where we do validation

Route::post('/user/create', 'App\Controllers\UserController@create', 'create_user');

Create a Controller with Validation Logic

next we add the UserController class and the create method

namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Models\User;
use Legato\Framework\Validator\Validator;

class UserController extends BaseController

    public function create()
        $rules = [
            'username' => ['required' => true, 'min' => 6, 'max' => 20, 'alphaNum' => true, 'unique' => 'users'],
            'email' => ['required' => true, 'email' => true],
            'password' => ['required' => true, 'min' => 6],

             * @param, postData, the data that is under validation
             * @param, rules, set of rules that must be satisfied
             * @param, custom error messages (optional)

        $validator = new Validator($this->request->all(), $rules);

            //handle validation error
            $errorBag = $validator->error()->get(); //mu

        //create user 

You can see that we only had to create a new instance of Legato\Framework\Validator\Validator::class and pass it the requires parameters, which are postData, rules, and optionally a custom error message to replace the default.

Displaying Validation Errors

If the request data does not pass validation, you can easily get all the validation errors from the validator instance


         //handle validation error
         $errorBag = $validator->error()->get();

         foreach ($errorBag as $errors) {
             foreach ($errors as $error){
                 echo $error . '<br />';

Getting Validation errors for specific fields

If you will wish to get validation errors for each field separately then you can do the following:


     * Check if a given key exists in error message
     * @param $key
     * @return bool

 $exists = $validator->error()->has('username');

    *  Get all the validation errors for a specific fields
    *  @param $key   
    *  @return array

$usernameErrors = $validator->error()->get('username');

    * Get the first validation error for a specific fields
    * @param $key
    * @return mixed   

$firstErrors = $validator->error()->first('username');

Available Validation Rules

Legato v1.0.9 which is th latest version as at the time of this writing currently provide the following validation rules:

#Unique rule

This rule allows you to check if a given value exists in a specific database table, specific the unique rule like so:


    $rules = [
        'username' => ['unique' => 'users',],

where username is a valid column in the users table.

#Required rule

The required rule is use to specific that a specific field cannot be empty, the example below ensure that the user cannot signup unless they provide a username:


    $rules = [
        'username' => ['required' => true,],

#alphaNum rule

The alphaNum rule is use to validate alphanumeric: e.g. Terdia07


    $rules = [
        'username' => ['alphaNum' => true,],

To be continued