The Legato framework provides support for email sending using SMTP (Gmail, Mailgun, etc,) and Mailgun API. The Legato Mail class is built on top of Swiftmailer library.

SMTP Setup

To send mail using SMTP first update your .env file as follows:


set MAIL_DRIVER=smtp


Mailgun Setup

To send mail using Mailgun API first update your .env file as follows:


set MAIL_DRIVER=mailgun



Sending Mail

To send an email simply do the following:


use Legato\Framework\Mail\Mail;

 $params = [
            'to' => ['' => 'name'], //recipient name is optional
            'from' => ['' => 'name'], //sender name is optional
            'subject' => 'Sending mail from Legato Framework',
            'body' => 'This is the content'

 $result = Mail::send($params);      

if your mail driver is set to SMTP $result variable will contain an integer which is the number of recipients that successfully sent to. if you're using mailgun as your driver you should access the message property of the $result variable to see the response.

Sending Mail with Template

You can also specify a file that contains the body of the mail, to so that you first have create the file inside resources/views folder, for example lets say you want to all your email templates in a folder name emails you can do the following

create the folder in the right location resources/views/emails then create the actual file lets say welcome.php

to send the mail using the file do the following


$params = [
     'to' => ['' => 'name'],
     'from' => ['' => 'name'],
     'subject' => 'Sending mail from Legato Framework',
     'body' => ['text' => 'This is the test that will be inserted into the view', 'name' => 'Jake Pattern'],
     'view' => 'emails/welcome.php',

$result = Mail::send($params);

$param['body'] should be an array of key/value pairs the key can be accessed inside the view like so:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    Dear <?php echo $data['name']?>,

        <?php echo $data['text'] ?>

$data['text'] will be 'This is the test that will be inserted into the view' while $data['name'] will be 'Jake Pattern'

Sending Mail with Attachment

To add an attachment to your mail simple add a file key to the $params array like so


$params = [
     'file' => 'path_to_file',

$result = Mail::send($params);

Legato current supports single file attachment.

Setting replyTo Address

To set a reply to address simple add replyTo key to your $params array like so


$params = [
     'replyTo' => '',

Adding Carbon Copy (cc) Addresses

To add cc addresses simple add cc key to your $params array like so


$params = [
     'cc' => ['' => 'John Doe', ''], 

Adding Blind Carbon Copy (bcc) Addresses

To add bcc addresses simple add bcc key to your $params array like so


$params = [
     'bcc' => ['' => 'John Doe', ''], 

Note that when using Mailgun API bcc and cc addresses will be combined with to address and all recipients can see who each others email address