The controller is generally responsible for performing a request action.

Creating a Controller

You can simply create a controller by using the Legato inbuilt command line tool or simply create a new file inside the controllers' folder which is inside the app folder. If you use the command line tool then everything will be set up for automatically.

Using the command line tool

To create a controller with the command line tool, first, open your terminal or command prompt for windows users then change directory to the root of your legato project

$ cd /project/root/path

then type

$ php Legato add:controller UserController

This will create a new class inside app/controllers like so, /app/controllers/UserController in the namespace namespace App\Controllers


namespace App\Controllers;

class UserController extends BaseController


if you like to place your controller in a subfolder then do the following

$ php Legato add:controller UserFolder/UserController

The location will be /app/controllers/UserFolder/UserController


All controller should extend BaseController (this is already done for you if you created your controller using the inbuilt command line tool) in other to have access to Request, Guzzle Client and Sessions (Refer to individual docs to learn more).

You can reference request like so


$request = $this->request; // contains the entire request object

A more complete example


namespace App\Controllers;

class UserController extends BaseController
    public function show()
         * Retrieve value from request, used for both POST and GET request
        $username = $this->request->input('username'); 

         * Set a username session 
        $this->session->set('username', $username);

         * Get the value of the username session
        $sessionUsername = $this->get('username');

        view('home.twig', compact($sessionUsername));