Installation Requirements:

  • PHP 7.1
  • Composer

Installing Legato is very simple, first ensure you have the right PHP version and composer installed then in your command prompt run:

$ composer create-project legato/legato blog

The above command will create a new Legato project inside a new folder name blog, then:

$ cd blog

and then run

$ composer dump-autoload

Running Your Project With VirtualHost

The entry point for your Legato framework project is the index.php file which located inside the public directory, of course, you're free to change this according to your need. If you choose to follow the default setup, then you may need to create an entry in /etc/httpd/vhosts (for apache users on Linux) similar to the following:

<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/blog/public



Restart Apache

$ service httpd restsart

Navigate to, you should be able to view the app.

Running Your Project with PHP inbuilt server

This is the faster and easier way to start using Legato framework, to run Legato using the inbuilt php server do one of the following:


Open the terminal and switch to your project root directory and then type the command below

php legato start

This will start a server which you can access at: http://localhost:8000

if the server fails to start because it could not find the PHP executable, then you may pass in the --path option to specify the path for your PHP executable for example on a linux OS you may type which php to determine the path of your php executable in most cases it will be /usr/bin/php or simply php.

To specify the path to your PHP executable type:

php legato start --path=/usr/bin/php

Specifying a Different Hostname

if you wish to specify a different hostname you can pass in an optional hostname option to the start command like so:

php legato start

make sure to create the domain entry inside your hosts file like so:

#hosts file

This will start a php server which you can access at:

Specifying a Different Port number

if you wish to specify a different port you can pass in an optional port option to the start command like so:

php Legato start --port=8009

this will start a php server which you can access at: http://localhost:8009

Specifying a Different Hostname and Port number

if you wish to use a different hostname and port altogether then make sure to create the hostname entry inside your hosts file:

#hosts file

then issue the start command with both options, the order does not matter

php Legato start --port=8009

With all options

php Legato start --port=8009 --path=/usr/bin/php

this will start a php server which you can access at:

Running Your Project Without VirtualHost

if you choose to run your project without VirtualHost, for example, accessing it with http://localhost/blog/public then ensure to update application css and javascript path from /css/all.css absolute to css.all.css relative.